Real Time

Synchronization Signals (Basic LTE FDD Downlink)

Two types of synchronization signals are used for the downlink in LTE:

Additional Downlink parameters are described in Cell Parameters (Basic LTE FDD Downlink), Cell Specific Reference Signal (Basic LTE FDD Downlink), and Power Relevant Parameters (Basic LTE FDD Downlink).

3. Synchronization Signals

Primary Synch Signal State

Primary Synch Signal Power

Secondary Synch Signal State

Secondary Synch Signal Power

P-SS/S-SS Transmit Antenna Port

Primary Synch Signal State

Choice: Off | On

Default: On

The software sets the state of the primary synchronization signal (P-SS) to On. You can control the P-SS power as described below.

Primary Synch Signal Power

Range: -60 to 20 dB

Default: 0.000 dB

Enter the power level in dB for the primary synchronization signal, relative to the reference signal per resource element (i.e. when the reference signal power is set to 0 dB).

Secondary Synch Signal State

Choice: Off | On

Default: On

The software sets the state of the secondary synchronization signal (S-SS) to On. You can control the S-SS power as described below.

Secondary Synch Signal Power

Range: -60 to 20 dB

Default: 0.000 dB

Enter the power level in dB for the secondary synchronization signal, relative to the average subcarrier power..

P-SS/S-SS Transmit Antenna Port

Choice: Port 0 | Port 1 | Port 2 | Port 3 | All Port

Default: Port 0

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the P-SS/S-SS transmit antenna port.

This parameter specifies the antenna port(s) that P-SS and S-SS are transmitted on. P-SS and S-SS can be transmitted on a single antenna (Port0/1/2/3) or all the antenna ports.